
Continuing on with the restoration of the furniture in Temple Beth Sholom, we have moved down to the lower chapel, The Sisterhood. A much smaller space, more intimate, it is used for smaller gatherings. The furniture is in much better condition than the upper sanctuary. The ultraviolet damage is significantly less. Nonetheless, a 60-year-old finish has broken down, leaving the amber color of oils, and there is wear and tear on all the pieces.

Pictured here, is the group of 6 chairs that are similar to the main, but more diminutive and simpler in their construction. There is still a wide variety in the color left in the material and we will use the same finish approach as before.

In photos number 2,3,4 from the left, you can see some of the new veneer we have replaced on some of the arms, edges and elsewhere. To find it, look for the greyer in color. These pieces are in their sanded state, ready for color work and topcoats. There are 2 lecterns similar to the upstairs. Less “decorated” and simpler, and they have suffered abuse as well. This one shown here is in the middle of repair work and the original finish hasn’t been removed yet.

Still weeks away from completion (as the process cannot be rushed) all of the pieces will be restored like their bigger brothers.